
Empey Centre

Empey Centre for Spiritual Leadership, a ministry of Renovaré Canada, encourages all who are in vocational ministry to serve from a Christ-centred life while gaining a practical understanding of restorative Christian ministry.

Give to the Empey Centre



This is a time for those in vocational ministry to gather to learn, share, and pray together online. There is no cost to join.
Our next Breathe gathering will be on February 26 at 11am EST. Richard Hovey will be leading us in a discussion on Seeking Shalom: shepherding in seasons of scandal.

Our Name

Naming the Empey Centre

The Empey Centre is named after Dale Empey (April 18, 1982 - October 22, 2017). Dale held a passion for ministry, the church, and caring for ministers. Though his years on this earth were short, his impact was great. After being diagnosed with cancer, which began a two year battle with the disease, Dale poured himself into the ministry of his local church and support of his ministers. Through the Empey Centre we will continue providing supportive care to those who minister as they continue to pour themselves into the ministry of the Church.

Along with being extremely caring, Dale was also a very organized person who paid attention to details. At the Empey Centre we have developed a rhyme and reason for what we do, providing a structure to the care we provide. We unpack this under our explanation of Restorative Christian Ministry.

Our Vision

Restorative Christian Ministry

Our vision is to see ministers equipped in the restorative work of compassion, involving: reason, reflection, and relationship. In understanding that we are loved by God (reason), responding to such love by loving God (reflect) and one another (relate), we become ministers of the restorative love of God in Christ. The biblical concepts of shema, sabbath, and shalom provide the framework for this restorative ministry.

Sustaining a healthy ministry is difficult as it involves both the health of the minister and the health of those being ministered unto; these two aspects of health are closely related to one another. As a minister maintains health, their ministry will have a healthy impact on others; likewise, as those they minister unto are healthy, they will have a healthy impact on their minister.

Being spiritually systematic and compassionately caring are at the heart of what we call Restorative Christian Ministry.

Our Director

A pastor, educator, and seeker

Richard Hovey is overseeing the ministry of the Empey Centre. Dale and Richard had a deep and profound friendship through which they pressed into the compassionate presence of Christ. It is this experience of doing life with God as spiritual companions in Christ which Richard longs to instill in others who minister.

Richard holds degrees in sociology, theology, pastoral counselling, leadership and spiritual formation. He currently serves as education director for Renovaré Canada, adjunct faculty with Briercrest Seminary where he teaches spiritual formation for ministry, and as a pastor on Deer Island, New Brunswick. Having over 25 years of pastoral and teaching experience, Richard is excited to be providing oversight to the imaginative work of the Empey Centre.

Along with Richard, the Renovaré Canada Visioning Team is overseeing this ministry.

In Memoriam: Dale Empey

October 2022 marked ten years since Richard and Dale first met, and five years since Dale passed from this life at the age of 35. Dale and Richard had a deep and profound friendship which impacted the way Richard ministered as Dale's pastor, and how he continues to minister today. It is this experience of doing life with God as spiritual companions in Christ, learned from spiritual friendship with Dale, which Richard longs to instil in others through the Empey Centre.

While excited to have launched the Empey Centre for Spiritual Leadership, we need both your prayer and financial support. The ministries of the Empey Centre will be offered below costs (some at no cost) to better be able to serve all. Financially, to supplement both personnel and ministry costs, we are seeking:

  • 35 donors at $100/month

  • 100 donors at $35/month

  • One time donations of any amount are also appreciated

All donations are income tax receiptable under Renovaré Canada.

Donate and receive an income tax receipt!